82 research outputs found

    Reducing the clique and chromatic number via edge contractions and vertex deletions.

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    We consider the following problem: can a certain graph parameter of some given graph G be reduced by at least d, for some integer d, via at most k graph operations from some specified set S, for some given integer k? As graph parameters we take the chromatic number and the clique number. We let the set S consist of either an edge contraction or a vertex deletion. As all these problems are NP-complete for general graphs even if d is fixed, we restrict the input graph G to some special graph class. We continue a line of research that considers these problems for subclasses of perfect graphs, but our main results are full classifications, from a computational complexity point of view, for graph classes characterized by forbidding a single induced connected subgraph H

    The Firefighter Problem: A Structural Analysis

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    We consider the complexity of the firefighter problem where b>=1 firefighters are available at each time step. This problem is proved NP-complete even on trees of degree at most three and budget one (Finbow et al.,2007) and on trees of bounded degree b+3 for any fixed budget b>=2 (Bazgan et al.,2012). In this paper, we provide further insight into the complexity landscape of the problem by showing that the pathwidth and the maximum degree of the input graph govern its complexity. More precisely, we first prove that the problem is NP-complete even on trees of pathwidth at most three for any fixed budget b>=1. We then show that the problem turns out to be fixed parameter-tractable with respect to the combined parameter "pathwidth" and "maximum degree" of the input graph

    Online Admission Control and Embedding of Service Chains

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    The virtualization and softwarization of modern computer networks enables the definition and fast deployment of novel network services called service chains: sequences of virtualized network functions (e.g., firewalls, caches, traffic optimizers) through which traffic is routed between source and destination. This paper attends to the problem of admitting and embedding a maximum number of service chains, i.e., a maximum number of source-destination pairs which are routed via a sequence of to-be-allocated, capacitated network functions. We consider an Online variant of this maximum Service Chain Embedding Problem, short OSCEP, where requests arrive over time, in a worst-case manner. Our main contribution is a deterministic O(log L)-competitive online algorithm, under the assumption that capacities are at least logarithmic in L. We show that this is asymptotically optimal within the class of deterministic and randomized online algorithms. We also explore lower bounds for offline approximation algorithms, and prove that the offline problem is APX-hard for unit capacities and small L > 2, and even Poly-APX-hard in general, when there is no bound on L. These approximation lower bounds may be of independent interest, as they also extend to other problems such as Virtual Circuit Routing. Finally, we present an exact algorithm based on 0-1 programming, implying that the general offline SCEP is in NP and by the above hardness results it is NP-complete for constant L.Comment: early version of SIROCCO 2015 pape

    Parameterized Inapproximability of Target Set Selection and Generalizations

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    In this paper, we consider the Target Set Selection problem: given a graph and a threshold value thr(v)thr(v) for any vertex vv of the graph, find a minimum size vertex-subset to "activate" s.t. all the vertices of the graph are activated at the end of the propagation process. A vertex vv is activated during the propagation process if at least thr(v)thr(v) of its neighbors are activated. This problem models several practical issues like faults in distributed networks or word-to-mouth recommendations in social networks. We show that for any functions ff and ρ\rho this problem cannot be approximated within a factor of ρ(k)\rho(k) in f(k)nO(1)f(k) \cdot n^{O(1)} time, unless FPT = W[P], even for restricted thresholds (namely constant and majority thresholds). We also study the cardinality constraint maximization and minimization versions of the problem for which we prove similar hardness results

    Extension of Some Edge Graph Problems: Standard and Parameterized Complexity

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    Le PDF est une version auteur non publiée.We consider extension variants of some edge optimization problems in graphs containing the classical Edge Cover, Matching, and Edge Dominating Set problems. Given a graph G=(V,E) and an edge set U⊆E, it is asked whether there exists an inclusion-wise minimal (resp., maximal) feasible solution E′ which satisfies a given property, for instance, being an edge dominating set (resp., a matching) and containing the forced edge set U (resp., avoiding any edges from the forbidden edge set E∖U). We present hardness results for these problems, for restricted instances such as bipartite or planar graphs. We counter-balance these negative results with parameterized complexity results. We also consider the price of extension, a natural optimization problem variant of extension problems, leading to some approximation results

    Most vital segment barriers

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    We study continuous analogues of "vitality" for discrete network flows/paths, and consider problems related to placing segment barriers that have highest impact on a flow/path in a polygonal domain. This extends the graph-theoretic notion of "most vital arcs" for flows/paths to geometric environments. We give hardness results and efficient algorithms for various versions of the problem, (almost) completely separating hard and polynomially-solvable cases

    The complexity of the Pk partition problem and related problems in bipartite graphs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we continue the investigation made in [MT05] about the approximability of Pk partition problems, but focusing here on their complexity. Precisely, we aim at designing the frontier between polynomial and NP-complete versions of the Pk partition problem in bipartite graphs, according to both the constant k and the maximum degree of the input graph. We actually extend the obtained results to more general classes of problems, namely, the minimum k-path partition problem and the maximum Pk packing problem. Moreover, we propose some simple approximation algorithms for those problems

    Efficient algorithms for decomposing graphs under degree constraints

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    AbstractStiebitz [Decomposing graphs under degree constraints, J. Graph Theory 23 (1996) 321–324] proved that if every vertex v in a graph G has degree d(v)⩾a(v)+b(v)+1 (where a and b are arbitrarily given nonnegative integer-valued functions) then G has a nontrivial vertex partition (A,B) such that dA(v)⩾a(v) for every v∈A and dB(v)⩾b(v) for every v∈B. Kaneko [On decomposition of triangle-free graphs under degree constraints, J. Graph Theory 27 (1998) 7–9] and Diwan [Decomposing graphs with girth at least five under degree constraints, J. Graph Theory 33 (2000) 237–239] strengthened this result, proving that it suffices to assume d(v)⩾a+b (a,b⩾1) or just d(v)⩾a+b-1 (a,b⩾2) if G contains no cycles shorter than 4 or 5, respectively.The original proofs contain nonconstructive steps. In this paper we give polynomial-time algorithms that find such partitions. Constructive generalizations for k-partitions are also presented